Wine packages


20241031 A7S08426 kopie
660 Kč –16 %
Was: 660 Kč  (–16 %)
550 Kč
20240408 DSC00632 HDR kopie
690 Kč –20 %
Was: 690 Kč  (–20 %)
550 Kč
20241031 A7S08411 kopie
1 160 Kč –13 %
Was: 1 160 Kč  (–13 %)
1 000 Kč
20241031 A7S08418 kopie
1 240 Kč –11 %
Was: 1 240 Kč  (–11 %)
1 100 Kč
cd246154 cada 41bd ade3 28a9cbddce67
1 350 Kč –18 %
Was: 1 350 Kč  (–18 %)
1 100 Kč




5 items to display
20241031 A7S08426 kopie
660 Kč –16 %
550 Kč
Code: 000749
20240408 DSC00632 HDR kopie
690 Kč –20 %
550 Kč

The package contains a silver collection of white wines (3 x 0,75l).

Code: 000684
cd246154 cada 41bd ade3 28a9cbddce67
1 350 Kč –18 %
1 100 Kč

The package contains a winning collection of white wines (6 x 0.75l).

Code: 000669
5 items total